If you have read my last post, I highly recommend that you read {Rich dad, poor dad}.
Now, I am going to assume you have read the book.
The book {Rich Dad Poor Dad} written
by Robert Kiyosaki.
Tells the story 2 fathers.
One is Robert's real father, who held
several degrees and an important position in the government, but
struggled financially.
Two is Robert best friend's father, who never even finished high school butleft his son a financial empire.
In his book, Robert explains that the mindset held by each of these two men, his “poor dad” and his “rich dad”, was largely responsible for each man’s financial destiny. Here are seven mayor differences between the “poor dad” and the “rich dad” mentality:
- The “poor dad” mentality states that your wealth depends on your family of origin: to be rich, you have to be born rich. “Rich dad” espoused the view that being rich or poor is something that you learn. When you have the right belief system and you acquire the necessary knowledge on how to create, build, and protect wealth, you will become rich even if you were not born into a wealthy family.
- “Rich dad” taught Kiyosaki that he should get a job to learn and to acquire the necessary skills so that he could go on to start his own business. “Poor dad” saw his job as his source of income for life. While “rich dad” taught Kiyosaki to strive to become financially independent, “poor dad” taught him to depend on his employer for his financial well being.
- When faced with an opportunity, “rich dad” would ask himself: “How can I afford this?” This forced his mind to think and to come up with creative solutions to be able to take advantage of the opportunity that had presented itself. Instead, when presented with an opportunity, “poor dad” would dismiss it by saying: “It’s too bad I can’t afford this.”
- While “poor dad” stressed scholastic education, “rich dad” always stressed financial education.
- For “rich dad” the main cause of poverty or financial struggle was self-inflicted fear and ignorance. “Poor dad” blamed the economy and the job market. That is, “rich dad” always took responsibility for himself and felt that he created his circumstances, while “poor dad” often felt like a victim of the outside world.
- As for risk taking, “rich dad” taught Kiyosaki to learn to manage risk. “Poor dad” taught him that when it came to money, risk was something that should be avoided and to always play it safe.
- “Rich dad” taught Kiyosaki that failing was simply part of the process and that he should learn from his mistakes and move on. “Poor dad” attached great stigma to failure and was therefore afraid of making mistakes.