Are You Struggling To Pay The Bills?

What to do if you can't pay a bill | YourLifeChoices

Struggling to pay the bills is incredibly stressful. Trying to work out where to allocate your resources is difficult and leads to many sleepless nights and angry arguments with your spouse. The frustrating thing is that you’re likely already working hard in your job. You're already overworked, but you’re still getting behind on your commitments and starting to worry about making ends meet. There is a solution!

Most people think they have to work longer hours in order to earn more money. If you're in a full time job then that means asking your boss for more work, or getting another part time job on top to earn the extra cash you need. It works for some people, but do you really want another job, another set of work-hours to stick to, and another boss?

Thinking you simply need to work harder is a mistake. If working hard got you into the situation in the first place, you can't rely on it getting you out. Albert Einstein said "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them". You need to think outside your normal routine of doing work for a boss. You need to work SMARTER, not HARDER.

Anyone who has had a second job knows how tough it can be fitting in a whole extra set of shifts or work-hours. It’s no fun, especially when you consider how little you'll see of your family. Plus you’'l have to put in the time to find a second job in the first place!

Cutting back on expenses is the obvious first move, which you have likely already done, but you don't want to have to do this forever. You want to be able to give your kids the things they want at Christmas, and shop where you want to shop, and do what you want to do.

To live this kind of life you need to leverage your time. Don't limit yourself to earning money only when your boss says you're working. If you're earning money around the clock, even at night, you don't need to worry about paying the bills. Most people who start a home business (their own Network Marketing team) do so for this reason. The peace of mind is life-changing.

You don't have to quit your job right away, and you can build your home business slowly to the point where one day it can even overtake your job-income, and allow you to quit your job in comfort.

In the meantime, it can take the strain off the struggle to make ends meet.

To see my own home business, and how you can start, click HERE.

A home business owner doesn't have set hours so can work on growing their income in their spare time. If all you have is 20 minutes a day, then you can grow your business with 20 minutes a day! It's perfect for fitting around a family and an existing job.

As soon as you unlock the potential in working for yourself you won’t want to turn back!

Is Your Job At Risk?

It's not something we like to think about is it? 

The mere thought of losing your job can be enough to bring you worry and stress, without it even happening. But sometimes the worst thing you can do is to ignore the warning signs, because you won't get any time to prepare for a job loss if it actually does happen.

One of the worst things about losing your job - apart from the loss of income of course - is the lack of control you feel about it. Some people have literally walked into the office one day and been told to clear their desks! Can you imagine how shocking and upsetting that would be?

It's no surprise then to learn that taking control in the event of a potential job loss is a great idea. Then if it does happen you have already set the wheels in motion towards doing something else.

One thing you can do initially is to cut your living costs and expenses. For instance a lot of us spend more than we need to in many areas of our lives. By cutting down on expenses you will be putting less of a strain on your finances if you do eventually lose your job. The same applies if you are downsized into a job that pays less, or you have your hours reduced. If your income goes down, so should your expenses if possible.

But what about starting a business of your own? Lots of people have a home business that generates a profit, so if you do walk into work one day and are greeted by redundancy you will be able to smile and say "OK, thanks, goodbye", and walk out again ready to go full-time with your already profitable business. 

There are plenty of options for you, if you get started with enough time in advance.

Network Marketing is a popular option because it means you can use an existing business model to build your own worthwhile business. This will dramatically cut the time it takes you to make a profit too. Your business will be backed by a major corporation, and you will be working as part of a team of people in a similar situation to yourself! Can you imagine doing well enough that you could actually leave your current job and work for yourself full time? It can happen if you have the determination for it. In fact, it's already true for millions of people.

The other option is to start looking for another job of some kind. If you are feeling unsettled at work, maybe now is the time to push ahead and find a new line of work that will reward you?

Whatever you decide to do, you can see that if your job is at risk, being pro-active is the best way forward.

Is either you wait for things to happen, or you make things happen.

Unemployment Stress Can Be Beaten!

Can you think of anything more stressful than becoming unemployed? Even if you are a good worker, you can still arrive at work one day to be told you're being made redundant. No one is immune to this and there is no doubt that unemployment can be incredibly stressful.


So what do most people do after being made redundant or when simply facing the threat of being made redundant? They try to get right back into the system that just left them out in the cold - they try to get another job for a different boss! A job will not create financial security, or security of any kind. If you are not in control of your own income, and have to ask someone else for a pay rise, and someone else can fire you at any time, you're asking for trouble.


If you don't have substantial savings and find yourself unemployed for a long period of time, even as short as 3 months, you could find yourself unable to pay the bills and facing foreclosure on your house. And all this is out of your control!


More and more people are taking control of their own income and building their own businesses from home as a way to take back control.


The main benefit of a profitable home business is that you're the boss! You won't find out one day you've been made redundant and have your income taken away from you. What's more, you're building a business that has a real future. You are creating an asset that is yours and yours alone, that you can even leave as a legacy to your children in your will. You can't get this level of growth and freedom with a job, where you spend all your time building someone else's financial asset instead of your own. You’ll never be safe in a job and you’ll never be able to earn more than an hourly or daily rate.


With a home business, however, you can have a small pay rise every single month. That's how it works. You build your business over time and your income increases. Eventually you will be able to let your business run itself and relax and retire altogether. You will be unemployed, but in a good way! You won't need to work anymore! Instead of stressing, which is how most people react to unemployment, you will have the time to enjoy your life.


Your first goal is $100 per month. Then $1000 per month. Then $10,000 per month. You can get started even while you have a regular job, so you're proactively building a second income stream to beat possible redundancy fears. Imagine being the only person not worried about unemployment, while all your colleagues fear and stress over it. This is what having a profitable home business will do for you - make you bulletproof to unemployment fears!


Standing in line trying to grab another job along with everyone else is demoralising and stressful.


Creating your own income is powerful and can set you free from unemployment stress forever.

A Part Time Business Can Reduce Job Stress

 "Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live" 

~ Margaret Fuller


Most people fool themselves into thinking that having a full-time job gives them financial security. The fact is that while you're perfectly stable and comfy all the time you have a job, sooner or later things change. We saw this during the worst moments of the recent recession, and repeatedly throughout the last two centuries of business! 

Profits go down, costs go up, or the company simply downsizes or moves, and then you're out of work. And, the worst thing of all, you have no control over when or if this will happen.

One minute you've got a "safe" job and the next you're panicking about how to pay the bills next month.

But some people aren't in this situation: the home business owners. They have a safety net in the form of a profitable part-time business. This could include earning money online, joining a network marketing team, or even creating your own product to sell. Even if home business owners have another full time job, which many do, they don't have to worry about the bills because this job isn't their only source of income. 

It's true that the recent recession showed how precarious it can be to rely on one source of income. So many people lost their jobs and ended up in real financial difficulty, but those who also had their own businesses didn't have the same worries as people who relied solely on one job. Your co-workers might well panic about losing their jobs because they know they won't have any income if they do. But you'll be in a completely different situation because you've started to build up a cash flow from your own part-time (or even spare-time) business. Just imagine how much security and peace of mind that will give you! 

Everyone around you will be stressing about job cuts and unemployment as you smile to yourself, safe in the knowledge that your income is secure. Some people have even volunteered for redundancies because of this, getting higher redundancy payments in the process! 

The other great thing about building up a part-time business from home, other than vastly reducing the amount of stress you would feel, is that you'd be able to earn money around the clock. Imagine going to work, or going to sleep at night, or even going to the movies, and earning money from your business the entire time. It's a GREAT feeling.

A home business is also a lot more flexible than a regular job, and there is no ceiling on what you can earn either. With a job you need to turn up at a specific time, eat your lunch at a specific time, and do as you're told (wow, sounds like junior school). Then, even worse, your employer pays you what THEY think your time is worth!

It's time to increase your income and stop worrying about unemployment. The sooner you start your own home business, the sooner you will reduce the job stress you are currently feeling.

Creating Your Ideal Stress Free Lifestyle

"It comes down to choice. You are always free to choose!" - Lewis Smile

Do you love getting up for work? 

Do you look forward to seeing your boss? 

Oh, I bet it's the highlight of your week...

Lots of people get stressed dreading work, thinking about it all weekend and hating every minute of the journey there during the week. But when you work for yourself it’s a totally different story; one that’s definitely worth thinking about.

When you earn your own income, and you don’t rely on anyone else for a paycheck, the stress melts away. 

If you work from home you don't get told what to do and when to do it. 

If you work from home you get the total freedom to choose your own working hours, and set your own income.  

If you work from home the morning commute to your desk is just a few seconds long, and it can be made in your pyjamas or even in the nude if you like!

Can you imagine what would happen if you turned up to your current job in your pyjamas? 

Or phoning in to work and telling your boss it’s a nice sunny day so you’ll be taking the day off to enjoy it? 

That's the kind of freedom a home business can bring you.

But make no mistake. When you work from home you will still need to WORK. 

You will be building an income that will continue to grow each month, so eventually you will get paid regardless of whether you work or not, but until that day you will need to work extremely hard. 

You won't get a $5000-a-month business for doing nothing. But working for yourself is entirely different to working for a boss!

When you work for a boss, they decide how much you get paid. So if you're struggling to pay the bills, or want to earn more money to buy a bigger house, you have no power to earn more. 

You either have to get promoted, beg your boss for a raise, or look for a higher paying job somewhere else. And yet if you were in charge of your own paycheck you would be paid what your time is really worth, and be able to set your own earnings. 

It comes down to taking control of your own time and income.

If you really want a stress free lifestyle you have to work for yourself and take control of your own life. 

You can have a lie in every morning. You can also take the day off without having to call in and ask for permission. 

You can choose the hours that really suit you to work instead of having to start early and finish late.

Home businesses are getting more popular every year, and it's really no surprise. While hard work to begin with, the financial rewards build up over time and you're able to work less and less as your business grows. 

It's the quickest way to a stress-free lifestyle!

To Fulfill Your Dreams, Start with Small Simple steps

Mark Twain said, “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”

That’s because the less you over analyze something, the more likely you are to just do it. 

If you have confidence in yourself, you’ll take the leap and then figure out each subsequent step as it comes your way. You don’t have to have all the answers in place ahead of time.

In fact, it’s a waste of time to—you can’t predict everything.

So I challenge you to dream bigger. Small dreams may be easier to achieve, but they also lead to mediocrity and unfulfilled potential.

Following five simple steps you take to set and reach big goals.

#1: Make A Loose Plan

There’s an old joke that goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” 

Makes perfect sense to me, and that’s why I recommend that you break your big dream into smaller steps. This way, you’ll gain satisfaction by crossing each step off your to-do list and you’ll get the constant joy of knowing you’ve accomplished something. 

Do however much you can do now, even if it’s only a little bit

#2: Give Up The Idea Of Perfection

It’s human nature to want to wait for all the right conditions before moving forward with something. 

But the problem with waiting for the perfect time to take a leap of faith is that you could be left waiting forever. Instead, trust that you’ve prepared as well as you can and move forward with conviction

You’ll never be ready, so make today your “ready as I’ll ever be” day and take action.

#3: Reach Out To Your Network

Let those in your inner circle know that you’ve started a new venture or are looking for a stepping stone. Seek out those in your network who have made the same journey you’re about to embark on and ask for advice. 

You’ll want an array of personalities in your circle, from cheerleaders to those who aren’t afraid to provide brutally honest feedback (although, watch out for the naysayers and Negative Nancys, who are too scared to step out of their own comfort zones). 

Cultivate the relationships you’ve built over the decades — you never know where support will come from.

#4: Recognize When You Need To Adjust Your Course

At some point on your journey, you’re bound to take a wrong turn

If you find yourself on a path that isn’t leading you toward your big dream, don’t just give up on the dream. Take a step back and do a little course correction. In fact, you could learn a lot from your GPS system — if you take a wrong turn, it doesn’t simply say, “too bad” and shut off. 

It will say “recalculating” and help you navigate a different route. 

It may not be the original route, or even the most direct route, but the destination remains the same and it’ll eventually lead you there.

#5: Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Your path is unique to you.

One of the worst things you can do is look to others and start measuring your success by comparing it to theirs. Success often is not a linear path, and the people you put on a pedestal may not have shared all the trials and tribulations they encountered on their own journey. 

Whatever twists and turns your journey takes is all right — you will get there eventually in your own way on your own time.

So, what’s the scariest goal you can imagine setting for yourself? 

One that makes you squirm just thinking about it because it’s so seemingly impossible or scary to attain. One that you know will forever change the direction of your life and bring oodles of happiness and positive things your way. 

And what steps are you going to take to turn your dreams into your reality?

Don’t let another year, another month or another day go by daydreaming about your big goals. 

Why Are You Not Rich?


According to Robert Kiyosaki "author of rich dad poor dad"

There are five main reasons why financially literate people may still not develop abundant asset columns that could produce a large cash flow. 

Conquering them is not easy, but it is necessary to achieve true wealth

Let’s explore each one.

#1: Fear

This is by far the most prevalent reason most people are not wealthy. 

If you weren’t afraid of anything, what would you do right now that could make you rich? Quit your job? Start your own company? Invest your savings in assets?

It’s ok to feel afraid, but don’t let it overwhelm you to the point that you don’t take action.

#2: Cynicism

Cynicism is a distrust that prevents you from having the confidence to move forward.

If you are financially literate and have done your homework, you have to trust in your ability. You can’t let others talk you out of what you know is right, and you can’t talk yourself out of trusting in your knowledge.

#3: Laziness

Laziness by staying busy is the most common form of laziness.

So take a long, honest look at your life. 

Is your excuse for not investing the fact that you’re too busy? What does that mean? What are you really busy with? And how is that holding you back from financial freedom?

#4: Bad Habits

A lot of people don’t have the discipline to break their bad habits. And worse, many people don’t even realize that their habits are bad in the first place.

So, examine the habits in your life. 

Some of them might be so ingrained in your routine you don’t notice them. But how are they holding you back?

#5: Arrogance

Rich Dad often said, “Every time I have been arrogant, I have lost money. Because when I’m arrogant, I truly believe that what I don’t know is not important.”

If you can’t be honest and humble with yourself, you don’t have a chance of achieving financial freedom.

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