Are You Struggling To Pay The Bills?

What to do if you can't pay a bill | YourLifeChoices

Struggling to pay the bills is incredibly stressful. Trying to work out where to allocate your resources is difficult and leads to many sleepless nights and angry arguments with your spouse. The frustrating thing is that you’re likely already working hard in your job. You're already overworked, but you’re still getting behind on your commitments and starting to worry about making ends meet. There is a solution!

Most people think they have to work longer hours in order to earn more money. If you're in a full time job then that means asking your boss for more work, or getting another part time job on top to earn the extra cash you need. It works for some people, but do you really want another job, another set of work-hours to stick to, and another boss?

Thinking you simply need to work harder is a mistake. If working hard got you into the situation in the first place, you can't rely on it getting you out. Albert Einstein said "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them". You need to think outside your normal routine of doing work for a boss. You need to work SMARTER, not HARDER.

Anyone who has had a second job knows how tough it can be fitting in a whole extra set of shifts or work-hours. It’s no fun, especially when you consider how little you'll see of your family. Plus you’'l have to put in the time to find a second job in the first place!

Cutting back on expenses is the obvious first move, which you have likely already done, but you don't want to have to do this forever. You want to be able to give your kids the things they want at Christmas, and shop where you want to shop, and do what you want to do.

To live this kind of life you need to leverage your time. Don't limit yourself to earning money only when your boss says you're working. If you're earning money around the clock, even at night, you don't need to worry about paying the bills. Most people who start a home business (their own Network Marketing team) do so for this reason. The peace of mind is life-changing.

You don't have to quit your job right away, and you can build your home business slowly to the point where one day it can even overtake your job-income, and allow you to quit your job in comfort.

In the meantime, it can take the strain off the struggle to make ends meet.

To see my own home business, and how you can start, click HERE.

A home business owner doesn't have set hours so can work on growing their income in their spare time. If all you have is 20 minutes a day, then you can grow your business with 20 minutes a day! It's perfect for fitting around a family and an existing job.

As soon as you unlock the potential in working for yourself you won’t want to turn back!